“The heroic hours of life do not announce their presence by drum and trumpet, challenging us to be true to our selves by appeals to the martial spirit that keeps the blood at heat. Some little, unassuming, unobtrusive choice presents itself before us slyly and craftily, glib an insinuating, in the modest garb of innocence . . . Then it is that you will be summoned to show the courage of adventurous youth.”
Benjamin N. Cardozo, 1870-1938 “Law and Literature,” in Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, edited by Margaret E. Hall, 1947
G. Thomas Harper
As an employment attorney for over 30 years, Mr. Harper has handled claims of discrimination (race, sex, religion, age, disability, pregnancy and national origin), sexual harassment and claims under the Family and Medical Leave Act. He is an experienced wage hour litigator and handles cases on wage payment, overtime, FLSA exemptions, breaches of individual employment contracts, drug testing, wrongful termination, retaliation, employment-related torts, OSHA and non-compete litigation. He has litigated cases of contract interpretation, collective bargaining, seniority, jurisdiction, and “just cause” and “for cause” discipline and terminations. Mr. Harper handles cases involving the full range of statutory and contract claims under employment ADR systems and pursuant to individual employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements. Mr. Harper has served as an expert witness on attorneys’ fees and has tried cases before the National Labor Relations Board (Some of Mr. Harper’s trial experience).
Mr. Harper has worked with and handled employment matters in a wide variety of industries including: automotive manufacturing, steel fabrication, agriculture, citrus, mining, furniture manufacturing, defense contractors, education, manufacturing, food service, hotels, trucking and logistics, warehousing, retail, insurance, construction, home building, health care, mortgage and financial services, paper and linerboard manufacturing, wood products, cellular communications, non-profits, poultry processing, staffing, employee leasing and Professional Employer Organizations, public sector, stevedoring, long shoring and commercial shipping, marketing, publishing and numerous businesses in the service industry sector.
An Arbitration Program for Your Company/ADR Programs

As a mediator, arbitrator and a Board Certified Labor and Employment lawyer, Tom Harper is uniquely-suited to assist your company in setting up arbitration and ADR (Alternative Dispute Programs) programs which can help protect your company from being hailed into court in the first place. Mr. Harper’s arbitrator qualifications are available at www.workplacearbitrator.com.

Mr. Harper is also a partner with Harper Gerlach, PL (www.HarperGerlach.com) Harper Gerlach is a Florida Labor Relations and Employment law firm with offices in Jacksonville representing employers in all workplace and employee matters.

As Editors of the monthly Florida Employment Law Letter, the attorneys at Harper Gerlach educate employers, lawyers and human resource professionals throughout Florida on cutting edge changes and developments in U.S. and Florida labor and employment laws. With this knowledge and our many years of experience, we can better serve our clients who hire us to achieve excellent results at the least possible cost.




The Arbitration Offices of G. Thomas Harper

1912 Hamilton St.
Suite 205
Jacksonville, Florida 32203

(904) 396 - 3000 (Facsimile) (800) 393 5977



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